Archive | April 2016

Differences between Grand and Baby Grand Pianos

The most obvious difference between grand pianos and baby grand is ‘size.’ Actually, there are many standard grand piano sizes, the exact measurements of which can vary by manufacturer or location. The size of the piano is very important. You do not need a piano that occupies huge space.
If you have sufficient floor space available, you can go for a grand piano. If you do not have much floor space available, then you can opt for baby pianos which are very popular due their affordability and small size.

Below are most widely-accepted piano sizes across the globe:

1. Concert Grand:                               9′ – 10′
2. professional Grand:                      6′
3. Semi-concert:                                7′ – 7’8″
4. Medium Grand:                             5’6″ – 5’8″
5. Baby Grand:                                   4’11” – 5’6″
6. Petit Grand:                                    4’5″ – 4’10”

Tonal Differences in Piano Sizes:

Tonal difference is minimal; therefore, baby grands are indistinguishable from larger grands. However, the music notes sound reduces as the size decreases. The tonal spectrum widens as string length increases, revealing more vocal element. Investing in a model 5’7″ is a good option, if you’re looking for a tone similar to a full grand piano.

Cost of Buying a Grand Piano:

Baby Grand Piano is a good option as these are affordable in comparison to the larger size piano. It is recommended to purchase the longest model possible, you can also take advice from your teacher of Piano Classes in San Jose. Your instructor should be knowing your level of expertise and can help you to know a difference.
Baby Grands surpass in quality by even electric pianos, which cost thousands less. It is also essential to ensure your piano room has ideal temperature & humidity levels; especially for grand pianos because of their revealing lids.
Pianos come in different styles and sizes. When selecting a piano, look at the style of cabinet, its leg design, the music rack, the type of wood used, and the overall look of the piano. If you plan to make such a purchase, take help from experts in Piano Lessons San Jose to buy accurate piano size.